Thursday, November 15, 2012

Roxanne and Robs Engagement Session

A couple weeks ago I got to photograph my one of my best friends engagement sessions!!! I have known Roxanne since well before six grade... when she ran into me at CVS one summer and wanted to see my baby sister. It ended up that next year our lockers were right across from each other, and so our long Journey of a friendship begin and is now going on 15 years!!!
Enough about me and Roxanne and lets move on to Roxanne and Rob!!! Roxanne and Rob have been together for about 3-4 years (I believe...). The love that these two have for each other is AMAZING!! Which you are able to see in every photo that was taken that day. They have been one of the easiest couples I have had the liberty of photographing (even though it took me a while to talk Roxanne into doing an engagement session...) Congratulations Roxanne and Rob!!

Sunday, May 13, 2012


I would just like to wish all the wonderful Mothers out there a Happy Mothers Day! Yesterday I got to shoot my friend Sarah, we took her first trip to Thacher Park for some wonderful "Just Because" Photos.
I met Sarah almost two years ago when she was my cubicle buddy at Empire Bluecross, I knew we were going to be the best of friends becuase well she has  the same laid back attitude I have.... Sarah, Is a single mommy of a wonderful little boy named Danny and since I have known Sarah it seems like nothing ever seems to go easy... but even when things were at there worst Sarah alway kept her head up, stayed positive, and strong I always admired that about her. Not many people could go through hard times and still keep a very positive attitude. She is the type of girl that would offer the clothes off of her back if needed. Her son always comes first and she adores him dearly!!! They are pretty much two peas in pod. Sarah Enjoy your wondeful day with Danny, and Enjoy these pictures!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Meet Raelynn!!!

Raelynn was born on March 24, 2012, weighing in at 6lbs 10 ounces!
She was exactly a week early, but absolutely perfect!!

Due to Raelynn being born a week early ( I was hoping she was going to be a couple days late... shhh don't tell her mother that lol) it kind of through my schedule off just a little bit for the props that I had ordered ( and yes I ordered them a good couple weeks in advance but they were being hand made so it took a while...) but thanks to a great woman by the name of Brenna Klingenberg who took the time to make the beautiful top hats that Raelynn is wearing the top hats came in exactly the day before Raelynns shoot and two days before the eta!!!

So with all props in and Mandy and I all ready to do Raelynns shoot on Monday April 2nd... We got everything ready, but Raelynn had other plans...She wanted nothing to do with sleep, due to starting out with the hiccups, then with a small tummy ache.... :( So after a couple hours of waiting to see if we could get anything in ( Yes I said a couple of hours) and Mandy and Big sister Payten being very patient! We decided to try again on Tuesday...

So... Tuesday came and as Raelynn was feeling a bit better, but is the most alert Newborn I have ever met... We could only place her in the positions she wanted to be in...We would get her to sleep and the second we moved her she would ether wake up or decide nope I'm not going to make this easy for you and go into whatever position she wanted to be in and there wasn't a thing we were going to be able to do about it lol. So with Raelynn making up her mind that she was not going to work around us, we decided to work around her lol. We got some great shots of this adorable little cutie though and hope everyone enjoys!!!

Mike and Mandy you guys are going to have your hands full with yet another adorable little girl!! ENJOY!!!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Glitz and Glam Party!!

Who doesn't want a nice night out with friends getting pampered, going shopping, and having some wine.... OH and getting portraits taken of you and your closest friends (old and new)?

Well, my friends Stefanie and I have decided instead of having to go to the mall to get your Makeup, Jewelry, Purses, and then out to have wine in crowded places... . Instead of having to be in a crowded mall for all of these items we are going to make these items come to you...and In names you may know and love and even some new companies you might not have heard of yet!!!

Who is going to be there?

To get you all "glamed" up for this party we are going to have a Mary Kay Consultant to show you some awesome makeup and give yourself that fabulous polished look that we all loose by the end of the week due to long work hours, stress, and whatever else life decides to throw at us.. lol

To accessorize your outfits we will have a Silpada Jewelry rep!! Because lets face it what woman doesn't like new Jewelry!!!
We will also have some purses from a company called 31,They have some great things to organize your home with as well.

Photos? That was up there somewhere right...? In our busy schedules its very rare we actually ever get dressed up/dolled up and get pictures taken of just ourselves (I know I own a camera and do not have any "portrait" photos of myself in my best dressed) So, why not!! So, YES I will be there with my wonderful camera taking some amazing part no sitting fees!!! I myself am going to try to get one as well, so yes i will be participating in the festivities as well.


WINE!!!! We will have Representative from The Traveling Vineyards. This is a wine tasting that comes to you!!! You can only get these wines from them and I can tell you its amazing!!!
(we will have other refreshments)

What you need to bring

Only thing we ask our guests to bring is themselves,  and a guest!

When you ask....?

We will be having this party on April 22nd, 2012 at 5:00pm party will go until about 10:00pm


The party will be hosted at stefanies house!!
Location: Albany, NY  if you are interested in going please contact me for the address.

to conact me please email me at

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Photo Contest


Movie Themed Photo Shoot!!!

Hello Everyone!!! Welcome to the new blog, please be patient as I have never done anything like this before and I am still getting used to the set up of this... lol

But, I announced this week that we would be doing a contest... and I wanted to expalin in detail how this contest was going to work and how I came up with the idea.  First I will start out with how the idea came about...

I was at work the other day, listening to my Pandora and a Song came on. The first thing I thought of was the movie that song was in, the song that came on was the Contours "Do You Love me" and the movie that popped into my head was Dirty Dancing (which coincidentally is on as I write this lol) and the scene that first came into my head was the part where she says "I carried a watermelon...?")

So, with that image in my mind from that movie... I thought of this... Everyday this week I am going to post a song from a movie. The song will not be the theme song of the movie as it can be way... to easy to guess so this will be a known song that was in movie. I did a test sample of this the other day with a quote from the movie I found it was also to easy and with search engines you can find out the movie way to fast..  So to make it a little complicated it is only going to be a song.... whoever guesses the most songs right to the movie will win... The song will be posted at 7:00pm each night until next sunday.


The prize will be a free photo shoot!! My original inention on the free photo shoot was to do a movie themed photo shoot... Who wouldn't want to pretend to star in there favorite movie!! But whoever wins will be able to have a photo shoot of there choice if the movie theme is not something they are interested in.
(Winner must be in live within a 80 mile radius of Albany NY)
This contest will start on monday so grab your friends and.....
Let's have fun everyone!!!